Nov 06


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Nov 30

Auto Draft

Nov 30

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rock landing nicely

ending text

Nov 30

(No title)


Clicking the link above will take you to noted author Daniel Pink’s blog, where he discusses his review of The Haves and the Have-Nots by Branco Milanovic, an economist for the World Bank. In my view, this chart captures something essential but usually unspoken in discussions of the prospects for the future of American education, and of STEM education in particular.

If we begin by asking ourselves, as politically acceptable speech usually does, how we can keep America first, we find it difficult to imagine strategies for getting people who love the things that money can buy to love science and engineering instead…or also. Often these conversations are driven by passion for justice: there are an increasing number of Americans left out, left behind, in our pursuit of the American Dream. We need to foster diversity in our STEM workforce, we hear…this is the civil rights question of our time. Other times the conversation is cast in terms of the lost contributions from Americans of low social and economic status. And indeed all of this seems right, as far as it goes. But that’s not far.

From this American perspective, we seem stuck in a rut: our most promising initiatives offer only modest slowing in the rusting of our competitive edge. Prospects for reforming STEM education in America seem as distant as a balanced federal budget. It’s not that no one knows what to do. It’s just that we seem utterly unable to bring ourselves to do it.

Imagine for a moment, though, that our goal in Michiana was not primarily the flattening of the curve marked “USA”. Imagine that we started with a worse problem, and worked to solve that. Suppose we focused our attention on ways to get neighbors to care for one another

Nov 30

Joe Donnelly encourages Michiana STEM educators

Congressman Joe Donnelly has supported our Collaborating for Education and Research Forum every year since its inception. We are grateful for his encouraging remarks, which we pass along here. You can read his remarks about this event in the Donnelly Dispatch here.

Congratulations also to our Penn High School colleague Stacy McCormack, our Indiana 2011 Teacher of the Year and Congressman Donnelly’s honored guest at President Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday night. We are proud of you, Stacy!

Nov 30

Not dead yet


Nov 30

Searching for a Dutch Master…

Nov 30

A picture's worth of half a thousand words

This is a Wordle graphic showing the top words–where font size is used to show how frequently each word occurs–in the 2010 Indiana State Science Standards. There’s a great deal to like about these standards: they are more concise in content, and the process standards include both science and engineering principles. The occasion for my looking at them today, though, was to find the extent to which “computing” or “computational thinking” were mentioned or used. As you can see (if you’re really patient, since n=500 words) they do not occur. If you do a word search on the document, you’ll find that neither word nor any of their cognates (“computing”, …) occur at all in the document. Neither does “simulation”. Although “data” occurs quite frequently, “data mining” does not, nor does “informatics”. Given the prominent role that computing, simulation and data mining/informatics plays in science and engineering, this omission is noteworthy.

Nov 30

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Nov 30

Global Voices Summit, Santiago, Chile

An image from a favorite BOSCO blogger

Breaking Borders Award: Winners announced
Official Google Blog: Honoring those who give voice to the silenced
Global Voices: Announcing the Breaking Borders Award Winners
BOSCO Uganda: Press Release
BOSCO Uganda: Award Acceptance Speech, Archbishop of Gulu, John Baptist Odama

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